Write to a Custom Sitecore Log with log4net

Learn how to use log4net to create additional logs for use with Sitecore. Just configure the logs and use the log4net API to write to them.


Sitecore Upgrade Strategy

Upgrading a Sitecore solution can be a daunting task if you have many versions to jump. Fortunately, it’s much more manageable if you break it down into segments.


C# Property vs. Method Guidelines

Sometimes its hard to determine whether to use a property or a method in C#. There are however guidelines to help you choose the right feature to use.


Link Directly to a Sitecore Item in a Custom Editor

Learn how to make a custom Sitecore editor link directly to an item using the built-in JavaScript tools.


Use Namespace Aliases for Ambiguous Sitecore Class Names

Easily get over namepsace ambiguity with Sitecore classes by using C#’s namespace aliases.


Right-Click Attach To Process in Visual Studio

Here’s a tip on how to tweak your Visual Studio code window context menu to include the Attach to Process debug command.


Using the DataSource Field with Sitecore Sublayouts

Sitecore sublayouts provide modular presentational pieces to Sitecore sites. Learn how to assign specific data to these components.


Handling Multiple Hostnames in a Sitecore Multi-Site Solution

Learn a quick trick to handle hostnames with and without subdomains in a Sitecore multi-site solution.


Sitecore Admin Pages Explained

Sitecore’s admin folder contains several useful utility pages that are either undocumented or not very well known. Read on to learn about their uses.


Removing the ASPX Extension from Sitecore URLs

Sitecore sites add a .aspx extension to dynamic page URLs. This behavior can be changed to create more SEO friendly URLs. Read on to learn the approaches.